Monday, September 6, 2010

Long time no update....

One thing I have discovered about parenthood is that I have no time to do anything anymore. Finding time to sit an write a blog is near impossible let alone do anything else. I was a lot better at all this pre-Moo. But...I guess that is all part of the process...learning that balance or prioritizing the quality time I can spend with him over anything else.

I a book this week. I've barely had time to do it...but I'm trying to make an effort because I miss the thrills of dipping into another world and another life. I almost feel like i need to start a book review blog so I can not only talk about what I've read but also get some recommendations.

Here is my biggest issue - Mr.Moo still sleeps in bed with us. It's a habit we will soon have to break but we have all gotten so used to it that the thought of not having him there just makes us lonely. But he's been a star at school and is sleeping in his own cot there so we will have to transition him out here....soon. In the meantime..reading at night has been impossible. By the time he falls asleep, I'm usually asleep and have no energy to read. The few nights I haven't been asleep with him...I have only had the strength to watch TV. The very very very few nights where i have wanted to read...the little reading lights I had just disturbed the little man. So, there has just been no opportunity. I've been reading on weekends during the day but then I feel guilty for not enjoying every second to time I have with the fam.  But...I'm trying to make a bigger effort to actually read a book. So this week I downloaded the Kindle app for my iPhone. It is by no means ideal and has convinced me that when the iPad comes out with a camera I just may invest in it but in the meantime, my iPhone is an ok option. Now - to be fair - I still haven't read a book on it. I want to get through the physical books i have lining my shelves before i jump into the electronic ones, but at least now I know it is an option and the next book I buy will be online.

In the meantime, I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - has anyone else read it? I really like it. It is a reasonably easy read, a definite page turner, and an interesting story. It is pretty dark but the characters are incredibly likeable and I was definitely invested in knowing what happened (for the record, I guessed at what was going on with Harriet). Now I'm keen to read the next one (although I'm going to read something off my shelf before running out to buy something new but it is a contender for my first Kindle purchase).

Lastly - I'm getting rid of some of my books. I keep moving and about 20 boxes of books come with me. So Nick and I have an agreement..we'll both get rid of some of our stuff - with him it is old games and with me it is books - but wherever we can - we will sell or donate them. His game collection is more sell-worthy but my goal is to donante my books to a library or find something cool to do with them. I'm doing some research....any suggestions?

Ok...Moo is asleep..finally. This won't mess him up at all. That kid refuses to nap with me and conks out so late in the day that it messes up his sleeping schedule. Today I read a story online about how there is a link between obesity and sleep. They say kids Max's age need to sleep 11-13 hours a night - not including naps - or their chances of obsesit at 80% higher. So I am essentially a bad parent because Max REFUSES to fall asleep at night until 10pm. Every night it is the same deal. And I have to wake him up at 7:30 am every day. That means he is only sleeping 9 and a half hours. So...I am officially a terrible parent who will have an obese kid. One more thing to worry about. And here I thought we were doing so well.

Anyhow..him sleeping means I should start dinner. I'm making "Mac and cheese". I make cheese sauce from scratch using whol wheat flour and skim milk. sneak some sweett potato and cauliflour in there with the noodles and Max doesn't know the difference. It is the only way we can get him to eat veggies. We now have to figure out how to get everything else into his gut (spinach and brocoli). We have to sneak it into turkey burgers or something.

Ok...I'm off to be a chef!

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