Saturday, January 22, 2011


Ok...I try not to dislike people. I really do.

Don't get me wrong...I gossip and I trash talk but as a general rule I try to give people the benefit of the doubt - at least humanity as a whole. But today was definitely one of those days that convinces me to just not like anyone...ever.

My little bro is cvisiting from back home so we decide to head to Santa Monica. We have a lovely walk around and a great lunch and then it was time to head back to the car.As soon as we get to the car, an SUV pulls up behind us and puts her turning signal on to take our spot (we were in a garage).She sees Max, the stroller...the whole deal. We start to load the little guy into his car seat and he doesn't want to get in. So he fights us and we hae to discuss and struggle and which point the chick in the car says..umm..are you leaving. Knowing full well we are leaving. So I shot her a look and said we need to put the baby in the seat and she responds with.."I was just asking". I'm already unimpress with her. So we get in the car. Now, the Elantra has this weird little issue that sometimes the wheel locks. I'm not sure what causes it..but it happens. Of course, at this VERY moment, the car seizes up. It is reasonable easy to fix but it takes a minute. Now, at the same time, cars are now lining up behind this chick in the SUV because she is essentially blocking the whole garage. The start the chick starts honkingat us. I was SO IRRITATED.

I mean...there were a zillion spots but she wouldn't move and starts shaking her head in annoyance at us. I can't believe it. Are people really that crappy and inconsiderate. And is it better to be rude than to just take an extra minute to find a spot?

Anyhow, in a funny turn of events, we ended up passing them like three times and they got a series of dirty looks from us untilthe last time when we all smiled and waved goodbye.

I was so put off though. What satisfaction do you get out of being rude to people?

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