Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I feel blah and uninspired this morning. Which is sad. I know there is a lot to say somewhere in my head but there is something inside me which holds me back. I'm very careful here and I tiptoe around the issues that really need to come out. I don't know if or when I will be able to let those things out or if I need to do it in the most anonymous ways where I can verbally vomit everything without offending anyone.

In the meantime...I totally thought it was Wednesday today. Why/how I thought that...I have no idea! But sad! SO SAD! 7:02am. I guess it is time for me to get moving. I was on the elliptical for 40 minutes but who knows what value that has. I guess it is better than doing nothing in the am. At least it gets me sweating and gets my heart beating.  I'm thinking of trying the Kinect Your Shape tomorrow...just to give it a go. My theory is 2 days elliptical one day off (and sleeping in) but I'm thinking of trying 2 days elliptical, one day something else (Your Shape, bosu workout if I can dig it out of the garage and find a workout DVD, pilates if I can find that DVD) and then weekends off.

I'm jealous of people who are getting up and doing boot camp. I don't think i can do it and it is in large part my insecurity. I don't like the idea of excercising in front of people. I feel like I am uncoordinated and look stupid. I know I know, I shouldn't worry about how I look when I'm exercising..but I do. It is one insecurity I can't shake which is why I am always looking for ways to work out at home. So I can get to a point where I feel comfortable with myself. I'm not there even a little bit. To be honest, I don't know what will ever get me there. I think that is in large part why I get up early and get on that elliptical despite feeling like it won't help or make me healthier or thinner - it is a step. It means I am doing something. Part of it is just starting towards something and hopefully i will just keep moving in a forward direction and doing more things that make me feel good about myself - or at least figure out what those things are.

Ok..enough babbling. I need to get going. Hit the showers. Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you are elliptisizing. I wish I had one in my house... I bet you could out-elliptate me in a ellipt-off!

    Um... did you realize that your blog title includes the word "continutes"? Well, it does. And that's not a word. Nor was that a sentence.
