Saturday, August 14, 2010


The little Moo starts daycare on Monday. He has no idea what is going on. I, on the otherhand, am a COMPLETE mess about it. I'm sure he will be traumatized for the rest of his life and need years of therapy because I deserted him during the day.

We looked at about 6 different daycares and we went with the one that we thought was the best. We both felt that right away. It was the only one with an educational philosophy that focus' on learning (Piaget's to be specific). It has a great child to adult ratio (4 kids for every adult). The day we visited the kids were running around like maniacs and Moo was completely entranced by the whole situation. There was sand and slides and inside there was playdoh and more kids exploring. It all seems good. But....I'm still so nervous. What if he hates it? What if he cries all day? What if he doesn't eat? What if he doesn't sleep? What if it is all a show and they are actually horrible to the kids? What if there is an earthquake when he's at daycare and all the buildings collapse and I can't get to him? What if I wasn't so neurotic?

The original idea was to transition him in (which wasn't ideal because technically the school year for this place starts August 16th so he would have been meeting teachers and other kids who may not have actually been in his class) this past week. But I guess when it comes to kids...and life in general...nothing ever goes that smoothly. We were with my family the whole week so now the poor little man is going to have to have a ful day there his first day. Mabe that is the best way to do it. I adjust, right? I need to focus on it being 8 hours of playing and fun. It will be tough to start but he will learn to love it. Or I will be responsible for the years of therapy he will need. Could go either way.

People keep telling me I will have a harder time with it than he will. I hope that's true. It would make me feel so much better to know I'm just an insane overprotective mommy.

Did the above sound callous? About my schedule being messed up because of my grandmother? I didn't mean it to sound so harsh.

I think the past few months have felt overwhelming. We packed up life...moved to LA...lived in temp housing..moved into a new place.....Nick got a grandmother got sick....looked for he is starting daycare....just feels like we are in constant motion. I can't wait for things to settle into a comfortable routine where things are a little more settled. I guess that takes time...for places to feel like home. Or maybe they never do. I don't know. Places seem to feel like home only in hindsight. Like Pacifica...never felt like home..until we left. And then every place was just not as good as home in Pacifica.

Now I'm babbling.

Moo is trying to type here with his feet. I think he wants my attention.

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