Thursday, September 16, 2010

Im typing this on an iPad. Not mine but I'm experimenting to see if I like it. I do. Im not going to lie. I hate that i love it an want to buy it. I feel like i have so tasted the apple koolaid and i love it. My only issue is that there is no camera. If this hinge had. A camera I would be sold....but without a camera i still can't replace my computer so this becomes something extra to carry around. But it is very very very nice. It is just so easy to sit here type and play games and sit here on the couch with this. I kinda want to make out with it. WS that one step too far?

Rumor has it that the holiday season will bring about some ipad competitors but I am yet to see anything announced. I'm such a sucker for a good toy like this. announce something already!

Imexhausted from getting up early to t my elliptical this am. Im trying to do it at least 3 mornings a week but that 630am wakeup is torture.

I am dying for junk I want p alette pleasing junk food. Ok...posting....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

..but it clearly runs in the family. We all want a good shoe workout!

Yep... I'm that nerdy!
This is my first post using the google app on my iPhone which links right to my blog account. Cool! uploading of photos. LAME!

I wanted to share the pics of y sketchers shape-ups. Yu-huh...I am THAT nerdy. Not sure how I feel about this phone blogging. Good if you are on the go I guess so I can immediately blog my celeb sightings but not sure I would want to write anything longer than a few lines like this. Harder for the mind to wander and go off in 100 tangents.

I'm watching the VMA's. Is it sad I actully like Justin Bieber? Taylor Swift is performing now..snooooze. I'm disinterested. One thing I did realize watching this show - in freakin' old. How did that happen?

Do I have weird words in this? I left auto correct on. We'll see what come out of that. hand hurts. I'm off to pretend I know all these bands. Happy belated birthday Steph!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Long time no update....

One thing I have discovered about parenthood is that I have no time to do anything anymore. Finding time to sit an write a blog is near impossible let alone do anything else. I was a lot better at all this pre-Moo. But...I guess that is all part of the process...learning that balance or prioritizing the quality time I can spend with him over anything else.

I a book this week. I've barely had time to do it...but I'm trying to make an effort because I miss the thrills of dipping into another world and another life. I almost feel like i need to start a book review blog so I can not only talk about what I've read but also get some recommendations.

Here is my biggest issue - Mr.Moo still sleeps in bed with us. It's a habit we will soon have to break but we have all gotten so used to it that the thought of not having him there just makes us lonely. But he's been a star at school and is sleeping in his own cot there so we will have to transition him out here....soon. In the meantime..reading at night has been impossible. By the time he falls asleep, I'm usually asleep and have no energy to read. The few nights I haven't been asleep with him...I have only had the strength to watch TV. The very very very few nights where i have wanted to read...the little reading lights I had just disturbed the little man. So, there has just been no opportunity. I've been reading on weekends during the day but then I feel guilty for not enjoying every second to time I have with the fam.  But...I'm trying to make a bigger effort to actually read a book. So this week I downloaded the Kindle app for my iPhone. It is by no means ideal and has convinced me that when the iPad comes out with a camera I just may invest in it but in the meantime, my iPhone is an ok option. Now - to be fair - I still haven't read a book on it. I want to get through the physical books i have lining my shelves before i jump into the electronic ones, but at least now I know it is an option and the next book I buy will be online.

In the meantime, I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - has anyone else read it? I really like it. It is a reasonably easy read, a definite page turner, and an interesting story. It is pretty dark but the characters are incredibly likeable and I was definitely invested in knowing what happened (for the record, I guessed at what was going on with Harriet). Now I'm keen to read the next one (although I'm going to read something off my shelf before running out to buy something new but it is a contender for my first Kindle purchase).

Lastly - I'm getting rid of some of my books. I keep moving and about 20 boxes of books come with me. So Nick and I have an agreement..we'll both get rid of some of our stuff - with him it is old games and with me it is books - but wherever we can - we will sell or donate them. His game collection is more sell-worthy but my goal is to donante my books to a library or find something cool to do with them. I'm doing some research....any suggestions?

Ok...Moo is asleep..finally. This won't mess him up at all. That kid refuses to nap with me and conks out so late in the day that it messes up his sleeping schedule. Today I read a story online about how there is a link between obesity and sleep. They say kids Max's age need to sleep 11-13 hours a night - not including naps - or their chances of obsesit at 80% higher. So I am essentially a bad parent because Max REFUSES to fall asleep at night until 10pm. Every night it is the same deal. And I have to wake him up at 7:30 am every day. That means he is only sleeping 9 and a half hours. So...I am officially a terrible parent who will have an obese kid. One more thing to worry about. And here I thought we were doing so well.

Anyhow..him sleeping means I should start dinner. I'm making "Mac and cheese". I make cheese sauce from scratch using whol wheat flour and skim milk. sneak some sweett potato and cauliflour in there with the noodles and Max doesn't know the difference. It is the only way we can get him to eat veggies. We now have to figure out how to get everything else into his gut (spinach and brocoli). We have to sneak it into turkey burgers or something.

Ok...I'm off to be a chef!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It was a long week last week. Little Moo had a rough intro to daycare and then I went away and felt guilty the whole time. Don't get me wrong...I can appreciate having that time on my own but it goes by so fast and I was so busy...I didn't get enough time to stop feeling guilty and enjoy. Of course..mabe that is because Moo was really struggling and I couldn't even talk to him on the phone without hearing tears. It breaks my heart.

That being said..I was able to see a few of my friends quickly and that was super nice. Being in Canada always reminds me of how much I love it there. It is such a great place. Don't get me wrong...I don't regret coming out to CA because i needed to have that adventure but I do think a lot about one day heading back home. We'll see. It is a nice dream right now. Something to strive for down the road.

Why are the people on Big Brother such big losers? I just had to ask :)

What else can I babble about? I can't stand how fat I look since having Max. Every picture I see is HIDEOUS! Who is that girl in the mirror? SHe is HUGE!

I had a million things I wanted to write about and I can't think of anything now. I'm too tired. WORN OUT!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Heartbreak Hotel today was HARD. I dropped the Moo off and stayed a bit. He was totally taken with the other kids and all the toys. He was so happy. Until I said goodbye. Waterworks from him. I looked back and he was standing in the window sobbing. Worst moment ever. By the time i got to the gate I was sobbing. The director of the school handed me kleenex and told me it was all normal. Does that make it any better? Nope. Still awful.

I called later in the am and they were outside plaing. The Moo was having trouble with the transitions between activities but other than that...he was fine. Until naptime. When little threw and epic fit that caused the call. They asked if I could come pick him up early. We talked a bit and they decided to try a little longer. I didn't go pick him up until the end of the day. He survived...barely. They couldn't calm him down and he cried a lot. That was so hard to hear.

He didn't nap and was an exhausted mess by the time I picked him up. As soon as he saw me, he started to cry. It was so nice to give him a big hug.

Moo is definitely a cuddler. He's always fallen asleep curled up with us. The don't do that at would be tough to give each kid that kind of attention and I know that must be hard for him. I felt a little judged when we said we would let him watch his fave show if he was having trouble settling down (we are not afraid of TV in our house....sometimes it is the only few minutes we get to do anything). And I felt a little like one of the teachers was demanding a solution which scared me after day one. The other teacher was definitely more patient and reassured me that Max did great considering it was his first day and then they both said there was nothing to worry about. It just takes time.

Tomorrow I head out of town for a couple of nights leaving my two boys to fend for themsevles through the daycare experience. I'm terrified. I'm nervous about not being there in case Moo needs me....afraid to not be there if there is a problem...afraid that me not being around is going to completely scar him....I'm so completely overwhelmed with all this. It is so hard.

It is definitely the most difficult step I've taken so far. It was hard to go back to work but I knew I was leaving him with someone who loved him and loved being with him. Someone who had all the patience in the world for Moo. It is so much harder leaving him with matter how nice they are. They aren't his mommy and daddy. It is so hard to who think of him feeling scared and not having us there.

I hope this gets easier. I can't handle having my heartbroken like this everyday.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I'm not going to stress levels are through the roof with this daycare thing tomorrow. I'm sure part of it is just heightened emotions after the past couple of weeks. I feel like I haven't had a chance  to sit and really process everything and it just comes out in weird places (i.e. sobbing through De-Lovely this morning). I don't know how early to go tomorrow much time i should be there with Max before I go to work - do I do it fast and get I go earl and stay for awhile - I don't know what the answer is. I just feel so stressed about it.

I keep telling myself that he will be alright...he'll have fun.

It is worse that I am travelling on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...I feel guilty being away at this point - although I could really use that time away.. Not that I need time away from the Moo or my husband..I mean more I can use the few hours I will have alone in the hotel room. Just a little sit and breathe and think about nothing time (ok...and maybe see some of my favorite Torontonians). much as I need that..I worry about the little man at this point.

I keep trying to talk to him about school. And about learning and being with other kids and having fun. But...I'm still a wreck.

Being a mom is HARD!

And he is drawing on a computer right now. I hate crayons.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


The little Moo starts daycare on Monday. He has no idea what is going on. I, on the otherhand, am a COMPLETE mess about it. I'm sure he will be traumatized for the rest of his life and need years of therapy because I deserted him during the day.

We looked at about 6 different daycares and we went with the one that we thought was the best. We both felt that right away. It was the only one with an educational philosophy that focus' on learning (Piaget's to be specific). It has a great child to adult ratio (4 kids for every adult). The day we visited the kids were running around like maniacs and Moo was completely entranced by the whole situation. There was sand and slides and inside there was playdoh and more kids exploring. It all seems good. But....I'm still so nervous. What if he hates it? What if he cries all day? What if he doesn't eat? What if he doesn't sleep? What if it is all a show and they are actually horrible to the kids? What if there is an earthquake when he's at daycare and all the buildings collapse and I can't get to him? What if I wasn't so neurotic?

The original idea was to transition him in (which wasn't ideal because technically the school year for this place starts August 16th so he would have been meeting teachers and other kids who may not have actually been in his class) this past week. But I guess when it comes to kids...and life in general...nothing ever goes that smoothly. We were with my family the whole week so now the poor little man is going to have to have a ful day there his first day. Mabe that is the best way to do it. I adjust, right? I need to focus on it being 8 hours of playing and fun. It will be tough to start but he will learn to love it. Or I will be responsible for the years of therapy he will need. Could go either way.

People keep telling me I will have a harder time with it than he will. I hope that's true. It would make me feel so much better to know I'm just an insane overprotective mommy.

Did the above sound callous? About my schedule being messed up because of my grandmother? I didn't mean it to sound so harsh.

I think the past few months have felt overwhelming. We packed up life...moved to LA...lived in temp housing..moved into a new place.....Nick got a grandmother got sick....looked for he is starting daycare....just feels like we are in constant motion. I can't wait for things to settle into a comfortable routine where things are a little more settled. I guess that takes time...for places to feel like home. Or maybe they never do. I don't know. Places seem to feel like home only in hindsight. Like Pacifica...never felt like home..until we left. And then every place was just not as good as home in Pacifica.

Now I'm babbling.

Moo is trying to type here with his feet. I think he wants my attention.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I love blogging. I've been doing it for ages. Leaving a trail of blogs that in essence are my story. Life has changed for me so much over the past little while and I've let my blogging fall to the wayside....well, it seemed like the right time to return to what I'm so comfortable with. People have asked me why blogging and not a diary. I can't answer that. Maybe I'm an exhibitionist. I think the truth is it is nice to share with other people. Hear other people's thoughts. Know people care.

I think inevitably there are somethings I need to edit on this. I want it to be me...not about other people. And I will never talk about work here. I will talk about my life and my thoughts. My toddler son who wears me out constantly. My family who's support I so appreciate. Only the good things of course...I'll save the real gossip for my anonymous blog.

I think the thing that is at the forefront of my mind right now is my gandmother. She passed away this week. She was 84 years old. I just got back from a week with my family in New Jersey where we said goodbye to her. It was bittersweet. It was the first time we had all been together in a very long time. The first time my extended family got to meet my husband and my little Moo (his nickname :)). But we were saying goodbye to someone we all loved dearly. We laughed hysterically at stories about her and my mother and aunt and uncle. We cried as we laughed.

Leaving her felt heavy. Knowing that it was the last time I would ever be at the house that so reminded me of a being a kid. Pictures everywhere. Eac corner, scratch, mark, toy...everything has a story. Even the smell. The smell of that house was Grandma and Grandpa.

It was hard to be sad when I was with my family because I feel compelled to stay strong for them. I don't know why. I find it hard to cry then. And focusing on the baby helps. But it hit me like a ton of bricks on the plane. That I would never go back there. That my grandmother was the glue that held us together. That she was the matriarch of the family who brought us altogether. That likely I wouldn't see most of my extended family members again. I was completely overwhelmed by the emptiness of it all.

I am more grateful than I can put into words that my grandmother got a chance to meet my son and those are some of my favorite pictures. The couldn't stop beaming at eachother. I'm so glad we have videos of that. I am so happy that m son will always know that generations of the women in my family were completely charmed by him.

Each paragraph I write here reminds me of twenty other things I want to say. It is hard to get it all out. We discovered boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes of pictures. My grandmother through every stage of her life. She was beautiful. Her and my grandfather were a great looking couple. Straight out of a movie. She had zillions of pictures of us. She did not miss an opportunity to document our ackward years.


I don't want to say that I wish I had spent more time with her or called her more often. I don't want to say that because it doesn't matter. I can't change what happened. But all those things are true. I wish I had done both. But what I try to focus on is the time I had with her and how very much I loved her and how very much I know she loved all of us. She instilled in us her strength, perseverence, determination, her capacity to love and take care of us whenever we needed her and even when we didn't. She was a role model. She wasn't perfect. Thank goodness for that. She was Grandma. I was lucky to have her.